Dolly Dgbhasin

Name: Female

Date 419: 1993-10-06

Location: Delhi

AboutMe: Jai Guru Ji 🙏 we are coming from middle class and we are looking for simply and decent boy.

GoalinLife: .

Height: 5"4

Education: Graduate

BloodGroup: A+

BharatMatrimonyIDifany: No

JeevansathiIDifany: No

Hobby: Painting, music,

Occupation: Not working

AnnualIncome: Nil

Companyname: Nil

Companycity: Nil

FatherName: Makhan singh

FatherMobileNo: 9716328649

FathersOccupation: Business man

FatherAnnualIncome: ..

ReferenceContactNo: .

MothersOccupation: Nothing

GrandFather: .

Nativeplace: Delhi

Nationality: Indian

StatusOfFamily: Middle class

Text Address: Delhi

Country: India

State: Delhi

District: Nangloi

PINCode: 110041

Phone: 9716328649

Email 465:

Profilehandleby: Mother